Saturday, August 25, 2007

Kenosha Blues

One of the reasons I love living in Kenosha, Wisconsin is that during the summer, there's always something to do. Every thursday, the city puts on free concerts near the lake called "Peanut Butter & Jam." A couple of thursdays ago, the great Alligator recording artists Lil' Ed & The Blues Imperials brought their rockin' show to Kenosha.

My ten-year-old daughter was a little reluctant to go. I assured her that Lil' Ed wasn't the slow, mournful blues, but a party waiting to happen. It took only about five minutes of Lil Ed's powerhouse slide guitar antics before the kid was hooked. Hey, who wouldn't love to see a five-foot tall guy wearing a be-jeweled fez and playing a big red guitar that dwarfs him? It was like watching a kind of blues cartoon (in a good way).

Ed's show was so energectic and contagious, that during the 45-minute set, my daughter never once asked to go home or "Is this almost over?" She revelled in Ed's good-time atmosphere and seriously rocked out to the tunes. As for me, for a little while, I felt like maybe I wasn't such a bad dad after all.

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