Saturday, September 15, 2007

Sick Of It All

The events of the past week have forced me into what I refer to as a news blackout. Occasionally, when world events become so frustratingly bleak and hopeless, usually due to our meat-headed president, my only recourse short of the dry-heaves is to give my blood pressure time to adjust to a non-life-threatening rate.

We observed another 9/11 anniversary, which was more difficult for me than usual this year. Bin Laden is no longer on Chimpolean's radar, even though before the last round of elections, we were assured that U.S. Special Forces were only a few weeks behind him, then a few days, then possibly hours. To vote Democrat meant that the hunt for Bin Laden would somehow be derailed. You know the usual Republican matter how horrible things look, they'll be much worse with Democrats in office. Once again, the fear card was played just before an election, ultimately resulting in Chimpy's second term. After the winning of his second term, our illustrious leader's earpiece went on the fritz just long enough for him to mutter "I don't spend much time thinking about him (Bin Laden)."

I also don't need to watch MSNBC's real-time replay of their original 9/11 broadcasts. I know it makes a swell bumpersticker, but "We Must Never Forget" doesn't mean we need to wallow in the tragedy for 24 hours once a year. I couldn't forget 9/11 if I tried. I remember where I was, seeing those planes crash into the towers, seeing people jumping to their deaths rather than be burned alive....I remember it all, every hellish second of it. It's almost as if we're now celebrating it, as if it's some sort of cruel holiday. My wife happended to pass an icecream place on 9/11 that was serving "red, white & blueberry" as their flavor of the day. Jesus Christ, how twisted is that? Can I get that in a waffle cone? I don't need to be reminded to "Never Forget." That's a complete implausability.

The second major happening leading to my withdrawal, was the mock September progress report that was just layed on us. I don't think anyone, Liberal or Conservative, was surprised by what was (or wasn't) revealed. According to the White House, things are going swimmingly since "the surge." In fact, we''ll now be able to start sending troops home. Those of us interested enough to read the fine print, are aware that the reduction amounts to bringing us back to pre-surge troop levels. The term "fuzzy math" becomes particularly ironic at this point.

The surge was also supposed to allow Iraqi politicians some breathing room to finally get their puppet show of a government on it's feet. While Chimpy claims the surge to be a victory, it's whole original purpose remains unfulfilled. Things are better in Anbar, but that's not where the fucking capitol of the country is now, is it? It's absolutely ludicrous. Chimpolean shites on a paper plate, then goes on TV to convince the gomers that it's a piece of chocolate cake. "Ain't it dee-liscious?"His surprise visit to Iraq also curiously didn't include a trip to the capitol city, which is now supposedly becoming so safe. Think I'll turn on Fox for a few minutes before I go to bed. They're undoubtedly playing that great tape-loop they have of Marines handing out soccer balls and candy to Iraqi children. WTF.

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