Monday, June 18, 2012

Fathers Day 2012

I suppose that this holiday leaves most fathers feeling appreciated. Our kids proudly present us with homemade cards or greatest-dad-ever t-shirts and breakfast in bed. We're given a much-needed day of rest, with nothing being asked of us all day long.

My daughter is fifteen now, but when she was much younger, I spent a lot of my time worrying about whether I was really a good father or not. I eventually was able to arrive at a place where I could recognize the areas in which I excelled, and forgive myself for the areas in which I came up short. This is a pretty good place to be. I usually ask myself "Would my dad have done blank for me?" If my answer is "no," and I'm doing whatever the blank is, than I can at least take comfort in the knowledge that I've gone beyond the average requirement. I'm doing the best that I can 90% of the time, for crying out loud, if I can't excuse myself a lousy 10%, than I must not be human. If my major league batting average was .900, I'd be hailed as the greatest hitter of all time. Give yourselves a break, fellow fathers, it's the most liberating thing you can do.